5 MAY – 28 MAY, 2016
Katherine Corcoran, Portal, 2016, detailed shot. Three objects, dimensions variable. Photography by Document Photography.
ID: A close up of a line of six pipe like objects, that look like they are made from steel, and are coloured from front to back, black, gold, silver, blue, black and grey.
The world is increasingly experienced through a connected, networked and socially mediated digital interface. The infinite possibility of the virtual exists in direct contrast to the material phenomena that underpins its presence.
Emerging representations of physical space and matter can disrupt conventional understandings of ‘the mental and social ecologies that produce us as subjects’. Through aesthetic and creative production Haining, Corcoran and Clapham attempt to resist existing systems of power. In the making of new forms and alliances (sculptural, digital, personal, professional) we explore the endless spatial plane of the emerging digital as a stage for the production of new subjectivities.
A/S/L/P, 2016, installation view. Photography by Document Photography.
ID: In the forefront of the gallery, there are short metal poles lined up, evenly space out. Behind them is a metal hula hoop, laid on the ground. On the white wall directly behind the sculptures, there is a large blue piece of vinyl hung from the wall. In the middle of the gallery, there are two freestanding pieces of glass, with large clay like handles. On the white walls behind them, one has a television screen flashing white, the other wall has silver text stating “I never loved you anyway”.
<aslp gif> I love it. Eek accidentally sent the image to a work colleague! Alex me and andrew have been talking about having a tech seance as a part of our public program. Like we invite a core group of people to participate in a deep net trawl for like 3 hours or something and add cool stuff we find to a combined blog space or something. General public can access byod or use a happy or whatever provided too, and come and go as they please? *lappy <las vagas show>
Celine doin?<with las vagas performers>
Omg Is it magic? Omg staaaaaahp it 😍😍😍😍What about having a slideshow of holiday snaps? <lamp fixture> <neon motel sign> And sorry yes no problems with Alex had not much reception the last couple of days driving xx Cool xxx luv the buzzing neon! Is it the sound of rain too? When you gona slice me?
Hahahah I've eaten so many I feel so sick 😖So there's not gona be one left?
hahaha yes there are lots left 😊 I'm a little stuck but realize I need to get on with it I've been looking at lights for sure and that's still a big possibility.
Cool bb X I'm smashing it over the next week to fortnight, what do u think about trying to have some thing solid by the 16th so we can exchange images and there is time to adjust make changes to our work?
A/S/L/P, 2016, installation view. Photography by Document Photography.
ID: In the middle left of the gallery, there are two freestanding pieces of glass, with large clay like handles. Behind them there is a television screen with geometric forms on it. To the right, there are six small metal poles lined vertically in a row, with a metal hula hoop next to them. On the white wall behind them, there is an open metal arc shape that is hung on the wall.
We can send thru some photos of stuff too? Me and Andrew had a good session trawling though all our screen grabs and images of stuff we were into that helped get us started? Could help xxxx
Ok sure I maybe have a little bit more permanent result once I decide like on lights or printing somthing re 16 th and jyeah send photos please xx To my email maybe xx
Yeah, cool I get it. No probs, it was jut of it was helpful for u xxx see how u feel. I am not working for the next two weeks so can Skype whenever X I know right?! The worst! Ok these r some from my phone xxx <rock and moss render staircase> <purple pool> Lol Also lol these r not the images for the show, just a few recent snaps for vid references. That I took. Vibe for tek seance 😝<Mariko Mori>Vibe for tek seance 😝The shag carpet lololol Ok that's all hahah
Oh she there. Also, we have to mind I think Haha "I'm glad you called” I like this <red carpet blue tiles> <waterfall> Also where da eff is this I want <coffee house neon> <neon reflection in glass doorway>
In Greece, on island kithira Hey I forgot I have to work tomorrow at noon, can we Skype tonight?
I also have a Skype with that performance artist who wanted performers for biennale She hasn't confirmed what time yet tho
Yeah, maybe I Skype from mine and we three way? Or U wana come here?
Cool lets three way X I am a bit drunk so maybe not in best form for early driving eh heh. If I wake early I come over or else we three way Skypes X 👌🏻❤️
A/S/L/P, 2016, installation view. Photography by Document Photography.
ID: In the forefront of the gallery, there are short metal poles lined up, evenly space out with a metal hula hoop, laid on the ground next to them. On the white wall directly behind the sculptures, there are two freestanding pieces of glass, with large clay like handles. On the white walls behind them, one has a television screen flashing white, the other wall has silver text stating “I never loved you anyway”, with another television screen to the right of the text with geometric forms on it.
…😘Ok, I've got 2 definite works and 1-2 possibilities.
Oh geese, so when u think you can do it?
I'm still not definite about anything I’m not a fan of the green banner but function wise I think its ok I'm still not all over the time difference basically I'm out or asleep when you guys are awake why don't I try you guys when I get home tonight ?
I think we move it here
We see in the morning
We got a bigger telly from verge, plays fine. Spoke to jack, no need for mini. If that changes
I can pick up tomoz
Yeah cool.
we are meeting at verge in about 7hrs
Also I'm into the texts communication being in the show
What are you thinking the print position
Um maybe vinyl is I never love you
Anyway DOhhh maybe it needs to be in a line tho
Can it be in a line across a corner, or is that too tricky?
It's quite long Um I don't know if it'll work around a corner It can go on glass tho to?
A/S/L/P, 2016, installation view. Photography by Document Photography.
ID: To the left, there are six small metal poles lined vertically in a row, with a metal hula hoop next to them. On the white wall behind them, there is an open metal arc shape that is hung on the wall. To the right there is a white wooden geometric sculpture that is leaning against a white wall. In the foreground on the right, there is also a large piece of cobalt blue vinyl that is hung against the white wall.
We just landed I can facetime once I get my bags ?
What time you heading into verge ?
In about 2hrs It doesn't need to be spaced as it is ?
Like the words can be closer together ?
Ok talk in two hours
Oh maybe one line no gap Like the page ended
Ohhh ok coool
We are on our way to New York I'll stay awake…